Applied Separations, Inc., has developed Spe-ed™ Advanta - a new chemically modified polymeric resin for solid phase extraction (SPE). Spe-ed Advanta is packed in standard 1, 3 and 6mL SPE cartridges and in 96 well plates (other cartridge sizes are available upon request), and it effective in removing polar organic compounds from aqueous samples.
Unlike standard C18 and polystyrene divinylbenzene SPE cartridges, Spe-ed Advanta is:
- easily wetted with water
- requires no tedious conditioning steps
- eliminates poor recoveries associated with the drying
of a conditioned sorbent bed
Spe-ed Advanta markedly increases the recoveries of polar compounds from aqueous matrices when compared to C18 and polystyrene divinylbenzene cartridges. Spe-ed Advanta enhances the preparation of pharmaceutical, environmental, biological, clinical, biotechnical, food and cosmetic samples. For more information visit Applied Separations website.
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